Dr. Wakako Kiba


Dr. Wakako Kiba is a highly skilled Japanese-speaking dentist with 17 years of clinical experience, specializing in endodontic (root canal treatments) and restorative dentistry from Japan, particularly microscopic procedures. After graduating from Osaka University with a PhD in endodontics and restorative dentistry, she spent eight years contributing to the university’s dental team, teaching students, and researching dental material science while working at various private clinics. Dr Wakako passed all her Australian Dental Council exams, and we are honoured to have her join us.

Dr. Wakako is highly skilled in all facets of general dentistry and can particularly help with difficult root canal treatments, re-treatments of root canals, and Endodontic surgeries.

Outside of work, Dr Wakako likes spending time doing Pilates, travelling, and exploring beautiful nature.

Sunshine Boulevard Dental
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